Esprit window ...

spotted at Friedrichstr. Berlin some single speed used to gather attention in the window at a very famous street within Berlin by a well known fashion brand.... angle of the saddle is quite questionable and the tires are some 28c at least if not 32c - not that sporty but brand is Bergamont... see for yourself

Tire abuse

Just a pile of abused tires I found before moving... Halo, Conti, Vittoria, Soma, Schwalbe...

Road Bike Party

This has gotta be one of the coolest videos ever.

Absinthe Le Velo

mhhh absinthe: nice brand name...

Bianchi Track TT 1991

I just fell in love with this frame. I know it´s nothing special - no lugs, no chrome... But a real newschool steel track beauty and in Celeste! I hope i´ll find such a frame for myself one day. This one belongs to someone from Fixed Gear Moscow.

Chris Hoy sings Queen

I f***king love this band!

Loving some meadow?

I do! I dig it!

spotted in Bremen

Random street shizzle 2

again most of the pictures are from south of Bremen... aka the city where literaly no nice builds come across..

Random street shizzle

some random street shizzle spotted in Bremen... mainly ugly
love the color!!!

The kids have their say!

Every day I pass a school and some kids just come by bike every which is kind of cool and kind of newschool as well: Interesting way of locking your bike:
here is the conversion mayhem (which I totaly understand - as a pupil you have no money)
but whats wrong with putting you grips in the right position or just adding some bar ends ...?
last one...

Track Tandem Pursuit

yeah! I dig that lo-pro geo!
source: and its for for now...

Red Bull Track

Seen yesterday in Leipzig. Nice bike except the pedal-section.

Eat this!

Since there is no proper content at the moment - eat this until we get back at the end of july...

I really do not know where this is from!


Pretty cool idea!

Source: cult of mac


Just found this full length Fixed-Gear Movie on Vimeo. Be sure to check it.

How To Ride A Bicycle

hey fellows. it´s been a while since our last posting. we are pretty busy at the moment so the blog doesn´t get the attention it should. so be patient with us - we´ll return after july with new stuff.

for now enjoy this. it´s bit older but i couldn´t stop laughing while watching it.

Vintage Otto Weckerling Brooks Saddle

Vintage Brooks Racing Saddle from the German road bicycle racer Otto Weckerling. Probably from the 1930s and still in good shape. Awesome!

Google Street View Bike

never heared of that before...
